Whiskey and orange juice bath

This is why I love history…

Poking around the White House.gov Web site and I came upon a this tidbit while reading about the White House’s history:

In 1829, a horde of 20,000 Inaugural callers forced President Andrew Jackson to flee to the safety of a hotel while, on the lawn, aides filled washtubs with orange juice and whiskey to lure the mob out of the mud-tracked White House.

I had heard the story about a mob of Jackson’s supporters trashing the White House after his inauguration, but the piece about the orange juice- and whiskey-filled bathtubs is new to me. Hopefully, they weren’t mixed in the same tub — either the celebrators or the whiskey and orange juice, that is.

I also love that this story appears on the President’s own Web site.

One Comment on “Whiskey and orange juice bath”

  1. Jon says:

    Whiskey and orange juice actually go quite well together. Try OJ mixed with bourbon, it’s delicious.

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